In Mother's Lap

Anyám ölében

Lesimítja hajamat. Kérges reszkető tenyér

Áldástól nehéz. Ráteszi tarkómra.

Lebillent fej. Az áldás súlyos

Terhe ömlő bő eső.


Kenyeret tör. Hajnalt. Egy darabot.

Szememre rakja. Csillogok.

Lepilledt szemhéj. Álmok

Közt vacogó lélek.


Bokrok töve alól árnyékot tép.

Leszakítja virágenyhülést.

Homlokra tesz. Hűsít

Lázas ébredést.


Csillagmorzsa hulló suttogás.

Megnyílt világ. Fény és út.

Ringat és dalt fon.

Erdők gyökereiből hintaágyat.

Ringatózok dús lombba festett fák alatt ölében…



In Mother’s lap

(translated by Ágnes Megyeri)


She strokes my hair down. Calloused trembling hand

Burdened with blessing. Rests it on the back of my head.

Tilted head. The leaden weight of the blessing is 

Gushing rich rain. 


Breaks some bread. Dawn. A piece. 

Lays it on my eyes. I glisten. 

Half-lidded eye. Soul shivering

Amid dreams. 


Plucks shade from underneath the roots of bushes.

Rips off the salve of flowers. 

Lays it on the forehead. Cools

Feverish awakening. 


Star crumble falling whisper. 

Opened-up world. Light and path. 

Cradles and wreathes songs. 

A hammock from the roots of wood. 

In her lap I sway

Under trees painted into rich foliage…

Karoly Lencses is a Hungarian poet and visual artist, born in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary, in 1976. He has been writing from a very early age; his first attempts were in primary school, his passion for writing has not faded since. He has numerous publications in most Hungarian literary magazines. He has had two books of poems published, and his poems are included in many anthologies. Recently, he has been granted the Andras Dugonics literary prize, an award granted by the public.

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