Baby Blue

Denim on denim
They say it’s poor taste
But I say it’s fuckin’ sexy
Whisper of friction
Cowboy on my lap
Her eyes bore into mine drawing out my soul
Soft clink of metal zippers
I pray she pins me down with those leather boots
While I trace the faded seams of her Wranglers
Worn lines on the back pocket from Pap’s wallet
God knew she had too much power for brothers
So, she inherited everything
Cigar box
Leather saddle
Steel blue eyes to heat you up then cool you off
Oh, baby blue

Emily Noe is a Junior at Berea College. She is an English major with a double minor in Creative Writing and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies. Emily primarily focuses on poetry and fictional work such as short stories. Along with her academic studies, she enjoys crocheting and reading. She has a deep love for Appalachia, which is where she grew up and lives today. Appalachia is a large theme in most of her work as you can see through “Baby Blue.”

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