Vol. 21: Fall 2018


Art: Sara Jane Gage, Jacob Garcia, Jury S. Judge, Alexandra Luckey, Estefhania Pineda, Karen Wa, David Weinholtz

Prose: Gregory T. Janetka, Collin Jones, Nicholas Keller, Faith Kressner, Reva Russell English, Zach Sheneman, Cassandra Waggett

Poetry: Bill Ayres, Sean Ayres, Holly Day, Sally Dunn, Matt Flores, Sophia Hashmi, Gloria Keeley, Kelsey May, Daniel Edward Moore, Alana Picozzi, Aishwarya Raghunath, Eric Rivera, Daniellie Silva, Casey Stevens, Olivia Stowell

Reviews and Interviews: Tamara Al-Qaisi-Coleman, Vinh Hoang, Miranda Ramirez


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