Vol. 19: Fall 2017


Art: Matthew Barrett, John Chavers, Estefania Garcia, Jury S. Judge, Sandeep Kumar Mishra, Callie Parrish, AJ Perez, Isabella Roncetti

Fiction: Kelly Doyle, Victoria Hodge Lightman, Ethan Plaut, Tamika Thompson

Nonfiction: Victoria Marino

Poetry: D.M Becker, Jane Costain, Tessa Cunningham, Lupita Eyde-Tucker, PM Flynn, Bianca Glinskas, Grace Gilbert, Candice Kelsey, Paige Leland, Clarity Lim, Candice Mazon, Rebecca Oxley, Patricia Schlutt, Caleb Westbrook

Reviews and Interviews: Vinh Hoang, Austin Svedjan


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